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The High Cup Nick Fell Race

​The Date for the 2025 Race is Saturday 22nd February.


The Race is organised by Morgan Donnelly in conjunction with the Village Hall. The Hall acts as a base and check-in. Post-race refreshments are provided by the Village Community and a number of villagers act as marshals and help manage the car-parking. Around 500 runners usually enter the Race. The route of the race is available on this external link. Please note that some of the route crosses private land, which is used with the permission of farmers.


In 2024, 414 runners completed the course and we are hoping for a similar level of participation in 2025. Thanks in advance to the many volunteers who help by providing soup and cake and to marshals, car park and kitchen volunteers (and many others behind the scenes).


If you want to run, the entry form is now live - click here.


High Cup Nick
High Cup Nick.jpg

Many day-visitors come to Dufton to climb up to High Cup Nick, a spectacular amphitheatre of volcanic rock about 3 miles from Dufton along the southern leg of the Pennine Way.

Dufton Village Hall is a Registered Charity Number 702887

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